all postcodes in L23 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L23 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L23 7TA 36 0 53.489629 -3.033019
L23 7TB 27 1 53.491098 -3.030523
L23 7TD 15 0 53.492697 -3.028298
L23 7TE 16 0 53.492137 -3.028769
L23 7TF 43 1 53.4899 -3.03182
L23 7TG 25 0 53.491523 -3.029192
L23 7TJ 11 0 53.488813 -3.033753
L23 7TL 8 0 53.490482 -3.031862
L23 7TN 25 0 53.491368 -3.030379
L23 7TP 5 0 53.491989 -3.029308
L23 7TQ 1 1 53.491948 -3.027815
L23 7TR 23 0 53.492429 -3.029349
L23 7TS 25 1 53.491494 -3.033532
L23 7TU 22 0 53.492683 -3.036365
L23 7TW 19 0 53.491675 -3.030235
L23 7TX 26 0 53.494514 -3.038776
L23 7TY 22 0 53.491946 -3.033272
L23 7TZ 21 0 53.492761 -3.035688
L23 7UA 21 0 53.494796 -3.038361
L23 7UB 17 0 53.492807 -3.034544